Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition

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Ontario Ministry of Education (2014). Foundations for a Healthy School.
Retrieved from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/healthyschools/foundations.html

Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (2016).
What is Comprehensive School Health? Retrieved from http://www.jcsh-cces.ca/en/concepts/comprehensive-school-health/

Canadian Association for School Health & Others (2007). Canadian Consensus Statement on Comprehensive School Health (Revised Edition),CASH and 36 Canadian organizations, Surrey, BC.
Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B76Y7Zl6A-eBLUE0Ykh0VjduS00/view?resourcekey=0-6Imm9tpGLnHmRN9NbeG44Q


​Schools Cannot Do It Alone
​Presentation - 2019 ETFO Conference
LINK: Presentation Slides

THE PRESENTER . As the Mental Health and Wellbeing Systems Lead for the St. Clair Catholic District School Board and Chair of the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition (2021). Christine Preece has more than 25 years of experience in the both the education and health sectors. Chris spoke to the benefits of stronger and more effective links between education and health partners for the benefit of both students and staff in our school boards. The work of the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition (OHSC) [9] was highlighted as an example of advocacy and support for healthy school communities.