Synchrony bank lowes account paper application


Scope. We are required to provide certain disclosures to you, some of which are required to be “in writing.” With your consent, as laid out below, we may provide any communication, agreement, or disclosure, electronically for any Account you may have with us.

Consent. By providing your consent to receive electronic communications (such as in connection with submitting an application or registering for online or mobile services for an Account) you hereby consent that any communication, including Account agreements or Required Information, may be provided to you electronically. You agree that, in connection with your consent, your provision of any email address and/or mobile telephone number while using your device or that of a third party demonstrates your ability to receive communications sent to that address and/or number.

Categories of Communications. You consent to receive any written communication relating to an Account in electronic form. Such communications may include, but are not limited to: (i) the agreement governing your Account, (ii) any disclosure required by federal, state, or local law, (iii) Billing Statements, (iv) any other information relating to an Account or application for an Account, and (v) any other agreements or other information relating to additional products or services you may elect to receive from us.

Method of Communications. Electronic communications may be provided by any method for which you have provided us the means (e.g., by providing an email address and/or a mobile telephone number). Electronic communications may include information such as your name and Account information and may be viewed by any party with access to that Account, the email address or phone number you have provided to us for delivering communications, any mobile application where such Account may be accessed, or any hardware or software you use to view that Account or service-related communications.

Delivery Preferences. You agree that if you apply for or use online servicing for an Account, we may pre-set your communications preference to electronic delivery for any communications on such Account and any other Account you may have with us. You can withdraw this consent at any time by calling the customer service number for such Account. You must contact customer service for each Account for which you choose to withdraw consent.

If you do not consent to electronic communications, or if you withdraw your consent to electronic communications (and after a reasonable period of time to process your withdrawal), we will send Required Information by paper but reserve the right to send other communications electronically. If you withdraw your consent, you may no longer have access to online servicing for your Account(s) and therefore may not have access to electronic versions of any Billing Statement associated with the Account (if any). You should save or print copies of Billing Statements (if any) or other information you access through online servicing before you withdraw your consent. We will not impose any fee to process the withdrawal of your consent. However, we may impose a fee for providing a paper copy of information, such as your Billing Statement (if any are provided in connection with the Account). Such fee, if any, is described in your Account agreement.

How to Update Your Records. You agree to promptly update the communication method you provided for purposes of receiving electronic communications (e.g., your email address and/or your mobile telephone number) for each Account you have with us if a change occurs by updating your information through the Site associated with servicing such Account (if any) or by calling customer service. If communications we send electronically are returned to us, we may cancel your electronic consent, including enrollment for electronic Billing Statements (if any) and send a paper copy of such communication. If this happens, you will need to re-enroll with updated information to receive Required Information electronically.

SPAM Filters. We make efforts to ensure our electronic communications via email are not deemed to be SPAM by your email service provider. However, you are responsible for ensuring that any SPAM filters recognize email originating from us if that is the method you choose to receive electronic communications. If you fail to receive email communications from us, please check with the provider of your email account and/or the SPAM filter associated with your email account.

Hardware and Software Requirements. In order to access and retain electronic communications, you must have the following:

You represent that you have the hardware and software required for access to and retention of the electronic communications.

Paper Copies of Electronic Communications. Upon your request we will provide you a paper copy of Required Information that we provide you electronically. We may charge you a fee for this service as described in your Account agreement. If you would like a paper copy of any Required Information (other than for our Payment Security (debt cancellation) product, if offered in connection with your Account, product, or service), please contact the customer service number for your Account.

For those Accounts that have purchased Payment Security, to receive paper records for our Payment Security product, please write to:

Atlanta, GA 30374-0237

Retention. Using your browser, you should print or download a copy of this consent, any applicable Account agreement, any Payment Security agreement (if purchased), and any other electronic communication that is important to you for your records.

Payments. Your obligation to pay at least the minimum required amount before any due date for any Account continues to apply regardless of the delivery method we use to deliver Billing Statements (if any are provided in connection with the Account) or other materials.

Electronic Signatures. You acknowledge that whenever you click on a “Submit” or similar button on a Site during the course of our relationship, you are indicating your intent to provide your signature electronically and that this shall constitute your signature.

Cancellation . We reserve the right, at any time, to stop providing you electronic communications, including Billing Statements (if any are provided in connection with the Account). Reasons for cancellation include, but are not limited to, not viewing and/or paying your last three electronic Billing Statements. If we stop providing you electronic communications, we may charge you a fee for providing a paper copy of information, including Billing Statements. Such fee, if any, is described in your Account agreement.

Definitions used in this consent:

All other terms used in this consent shall have the meanings given to them in the Account agreement.