5 quotation follow-up emails that work

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Email is the ideal way to follow up on quotations. Instead of struggling with writing them, you can copy our 5 proven email templates. Adapt them to your needs, send them out, and watch your approval rate skyrocket.

You can use the examples in CoManage as your quotation follow up as well. The first 14 days are free!

Key takeaways

  1. Email is the best way to follow up quotes.
  2. You can copy our 5 powerful examples of quotation follow-up emails. Or use them as inspiration.
  3. To increase your chances of getting quotes approved, make sure you apply our extra tips to improve your sales follow-up emails.

What is the best way to follow up on quotations?

From all the communication channels, email is the best way to send and follow up quotes. There are 7 good reasons for this.

#1 Email gives people time to think about your proposal

Emails give people the chance to think before answering. Especially responses to high-ticket offers may require some time. The same is true if several people need to review and discuss your proposal.

#2 Email is THE business communication channel

Email is the most common channel for business-related communication. The etiquette is straightforward and leaves enough room for both informal and formal business communication.

Asking for feedback on your quotation on, for instance, LinkedIn or Facebook chat, is not done.

#3 Use only one channel for quotes

Quotations are usually sent by email. Therefore, it also makes sense to follow them up by email. Switching the communication channel may confuse people.

#4 Email is where people can focus

If you want people’s attention, email them. It is a one-to-one communication channel and people often treat emails as to-do tasks. Dealing with your quotation is one of them.

#5 You can track emails

You can track emails in different ways. That can make it easier for you to know when your quotation is seen.

They all give you a clue about what happened to your email and quote.

Pro tip: When you create and send a quotation with CoManage, you have a clear overview of all your quotations that were seen.


#6 Quotes need a written approval

Although a phone call or video meeting is powerful to further discuss quotations with your customer, you will need some sort of official written approval. That can be a signed contract, or an approval sent by email.

If people only have to reply to your email, you make their life easier and your sales team happier.

#7 You can use email templates

Email templates are powerful. They help you save time and if you use an excellent tool, you only have to write them once.

Pro tip: In CoManage, you can add an email template. The personal fields are automatically filled in with the data from your built-in CRM.

Pro tip 2: We now have an integration with Chat-GPT! This means that you can ask AI for help with the text of you quote email templates. Make use of the versatility of this tool.


Quotation follow-up email examples

Below, you can find 5 examples of emails you can use after you have sent a quote. You don’t have to send all these mails. Just pick the one that fits your needs.

#1 Follow-up email: confirmation of receipt of your quote

The goal of this email is to be 100% sure people actually received your quote. The easiest way is to ask customers directly by email.

Email subject line: Did you receive our quote?

Email body:

Dear ,

As promised by my colleague Carla on , I am sending our quote again as an attachment.

To make sure you have enough time to decide or ask me any questions, I have extended the validity period.

We don’t want you to miss out on our best possible offer.

Can you please confirm you have received it? You can simply hit reply to this email.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Your name

Email footer

Use case for this follow-up email

This email template is useful when things go wrong while sending out an email.

When to (not) send this email?

Why does this mail work?

What to do if you don’t get a reply?

#2: Follow-up quotation email: ask if there are questions

Waiting for leads or customers to ask questions about your quotation is a terrible idea. A better strategy is to use the following email sample:

Email subject lines:

Did we explain everything well?

Do you have questions?

Is our offer 100% clear?

Email body:

Dear ,

We aim for crystal clear communication with all our customers, before, during and after we execute a project.

But I also understand that you may have questions about the quotation I send on .

Please do not keep them to yourself, but share them with me.

This way, I can prevent misunderstandings and help you make the best possible decision.

If you prefer to discuss this with me outside the mailbox, I can offer you several options:

E.g.: book a call/ appointment/ phone number + when you are available

Best regards,

Your name

Email footer

When to (not) send this follow-up email?

The positive side effects of this email are:

What to do if you don’t get a reply?

#3: Reminder email: your offer will expire

An expiration date is a powerful trick to set things in motion. It works for discount campaigns and it works for quotations.

This email is a good example to remind your customers that your offer will end soon.

Email subject lines:

Friendly reminder

Do you need more time?

Your offer will expire

Email body:

Dear ,

We understand you are busy and we value your time equally well as we value the time of all our customers.

In order to guarantee you we can deliver your project in due time, I would like to remind you that our offer will expire on .

However, I cannot promise that our team will be available for a long time after that. Also, we may be forced to change our attractive price.

Our team is highly motivated to turn your project into a success story. If you want 1 more week to further discuss the details with us, or to think it over, please let me know and I will do what is necessary.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Your name

Email footer

When to (not) send an expiry offer email?

Why does an offer reminder mail work well?

What to do if you don’t get a reply?

#4: Follow-up email: proposal accepted

When people accept your proposal, the least you can do is to send them a thank you email. It costs nothing, and it is also a splendid opportunity to get feedback about your quotation.

Email subject lines:

Thank you!

One last question before we start

Email body:

Dear ,

On behalf of our team, I would like to thank you!

As promised, we will proceed as follows to turn your project into a success story:


Before I set our team at work, I have one more question for you. We use this information only to give our customers the best possible experience. Please don’t feel obliged to answer it.

What is the number 1 reason you assigned this project to us?

Best regards,

Your name

Email footer

When to (not) send this email?

The positive side effects of asking for feedback on approved quotations:

What to do if you don’t get a reply?

In all cases, make sure you mark the quotation as approved in your quotation software, or somewhere else.


#5: Follow-up email when your proposal is rejected

The goal of this email is to get feedback from leads who rejected your proposal. If you want to have a good understanding of the good and the bad of your sales flow, make sure you send this email.

Email Subject Line: Thank you!

Email body:

Dear XXXX,

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to let us know you won’t proceed with us.

We also wish you the best and are confident that the company of your choice will help you achieve your goals.

If you want to share details about the reason our offer was not the best fit for you, you can let me know in all honesty. This will remain confidential, but it will help us serve future customers better.

Wishing you all the best!

Kind regards,

Your name

Email footer

When to (not) send this email?

Why is this email so powerful?

What to do if you don’t get a reply?


7 extra killer tips to improve your sales follow-up emails

Besides using the above email templates, you can also apply these powerful tips to improve your sales emails.

#1 Respect the general email etiquette

Respect the general email etiquette and expectations of customers. Especially in sales mails, this can make a tremendous difference.

If you are, for instance, a lawyer, you will probably not address your clients and prospects with “Hi” and end your mail with “Cheers”.

Etiquette also refers to timing. The above templates give you clear hints about this.

#2 Respect your branding

Align your mails with the tone of voice of your brand. It looks super weird if your website is all fun and games and your emails start with “Dear Sir/Lady”.

#3 The email footer: include your contact details and availability

Make sure you include your contact details in your email footer. The more, the better. Unless, for instance, you never answer your phone. In that case, don’t mention it.

In your mail too, you can give simple instructions on how your lead or customer can do what you want them to do.

#4 Sound like a human, not a template

Sound like a human, not a hungry shark of the sales department. Or worse: an email template. Even when you use them, you can personalise templates.

#5 Optimise your sales email subject lines

Email subject lines are super important. They can make a difference between opening and ignoring your follow-up email.

#6 Experiment with your email templates

The follow-up quotation emails work. But they are not perfect for every business or lead. And that’s ok, as long as you try to improve your sales flow by fine tuning your emails.

Here are some things to keep a close eye on:


#7 Keep your sales team in the loop

If you are working within a sales team, make sure you keep your colleagues in the loop by adding notes to your quotes. This way, you will have a good overview of your follow-up emails.


Now it’s your turn. Go and boost your sales with these email templates. If you want to spend even less time on your quotes, today is a good day to…